Chinese Blue

Discover the traditional China blue in indigo cotton. A piece that is a strong symbol for us, a tribute to our south, to our ancestors. The authentic Chinese blue arrived in France in 1930 and more precisely in Marseille. The bleu de chine set is a timeless item to have in your wardrobe. Indigo is a living color as I like to call it. It changes as it is washed to give it an inimitable cachet.
And the Treille in all this? We order our sets in the center of Marseille. At THE specialist in Bleu de chine. Each piece is washed and over-dyed in Indigo. A technique that brings a wonderful vintage look to every Indigo cotton jacket and trousers. We spend hours on each of your orders to improve them, control them in order to offer you perfect sets.

The history of Chinese blue:
At La treille Maison Ensoleillée, we are very happy to be able to offer you the traditional and timeless Bleu de Chine in Indigo cotton.
We love the easily recognizable Chinese blue outfit with its intense indigo blue, its jacket with its Chinese buttonhole and its Peter Pan collar and the chino cut pants that close with buttons.
This outfit transmits a lot of history, it is a real sartorial symbol. The blue of china is at the origin, the working dress of the Chinese working class imposed by Mao Zedong before being very widely adopted during the communist era. This outfit was imported into the south of France by merchants coming from the East following the Silk Road, massively adopted by the Mediterranean populations, especially in Marseille and Corsica. These are two associates, a Frenchman and a Chinese who imported large quantities of blue from China to France following its dazzling success in the West and the strong demand from Marseilles and Corsicans for this uniform.
For the record, according to the Asian community, indigo blue would immunize them against insect bites in rice fields, which also explains its adoption by Chinese farmers.

blue china has long been seen as a garment reserved for workers and revolutionaries before being accepted as a real timeless fashion garment. It began to be worn en masse by the Mediterranean populations from 1930. This indigo cotton garment is very solid and easy to wear, which is why it quickly took its place to become Mediterranean jeans. In Marseille, this set was quickly considered part of the culture of the city, the people of Marseilles even renamed it “Bleu de Marseille”. »
It was from the 1970s that this work uniform became a trendy item of clothing in France. It will be adopted by Parisian fashion. Agnes B also sold bleu de chine in her first Parisian boutique at that time. It is an outfit that has crossed the ages and broken fashion codes to go from work clothes to trendy clothes that can be found on the parades of the greatest designers during fashion weeks. La Treille has been offering you blue cheeses since 2020 to continue this tradition.
We love its changing color over time. This timeless is, at the start, a very intense indigo blue and loses a little bit of its original color after each wash to arrive at a very original vintage color. It has a special place at La Treille Maison Ensoleillée because my grandfather loved to wear China blue and bought a new set every year that he wore all the time to go play pétanque and meet up with his friends and family...